A salute to the pickle


homemade pickles 

I secretly (or maybe not so secretly) really enjoy pickles.  There is something about the crunchiness and the saltiness that really pleases my palate.  As a kid I would always get a kids hamburger meal at McDonalds with “just pickles.”  My brother Nathan doesn’t like pickles. Cooper doesn’t like pickles.  My mom likes pickles…maybe that is where I get it.  Yes, I thoroughly enjoy them.  If you ever get a sandwich and don’t want the pickle on the side…I will eat it! Thus, I take this moment to salute the pickle. 


Last night was a bit lame (and I feel like a doofus).  Two of the remaining gals from an office in Palo Alto had planned drinks after their last day at work…not a lot of people were on the evite list so I knew it wasn’t going to be a big deal, but because I had talked to one of the girls about meeting up to get drinks, I assumed that they were still planning on doing something and I felt like I should say my goodbyes.  After confirming with one of the gals a few hours before we were to meet, Cooper and I made the trek which was far enough away that it wasn’t too bad, but time consuming enough that it ate up a good portion of the night (all while Cooper really needed to be working on some albums).  We got there about 20 minutes late, but that wasn’t a big deal because the rest of the party had not yet arrived.  We ordered some delectable beer and decided to wait a little while longer.  We waited, and waited.  Our stomachs began to talk louder than my little voice can carry.  Finally after about an hour we decided to get a table and eat dinner.  To make a long story semi short…they never showed.  Not a single soul who was invited showed.  Wahh wahhhh wahhhhhhhh.  Cooper and I ended up having a really good time together (thank goodness he was there with me!), but I did feel a little foolish. I felt like I did when I was in elementary school and my friend had a costume birthday party…everyone else was dressed in elaborate costumes, but I forgot and was wearing just my silly little white sweat pants and white sweat shirt (probably with jelly shoes tied with florescent colored shoestrings).  Yup, it was a lame night.


In the words of my one and only favorite niece, Amelia: “Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.”


Amelia’s lunch hour 10.20.2006

Author: Ali Carras

At a very young age I lost site of my mom in a local grocery store in Boulder, Colorado. I did, however, have the smarts to go to the customer service counter. The kind woman at the counter asked "What is your name little girl?" My reply: "Assi." The woman gave me a look like, "Are you playing with me you little devil?" but she proceeded to blast on the loudspeaker the "We have a lost Assi at the front of the store." Customers throughout the store gagged and giggled, but my mom knew exactly who the woman was referring to: the mullet haired little girl with a tongue too big for her mouth, wearing a leotard, skirt, tights, and jelly shoes (with florescent green laces in them...even though they didn't need the laces). A shy little character for whom every little detail in life was a huge thing. I am pleased to report that today I am able to fully pronounce Allison (aka Ali), but the Assi pseudonym has always stuck, evolving into Aszi. As for the shy little character for whom every little detail in life was a huge thing? Some things never change. I have closed my comments due to mass amounts of spam that no filter could ever control. Feel free to contact me abeckord [at] gmail.com!

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