From my gma’s funeral I learned (or at least imagined) a lot about what my gma and gpa were like in their younger years. I saw many a picture showing their super fun spirits in simpler times, living on a farm, going on picnics…just being. No social networking sites to update, no blogs, no cell phones to distract them…really no computers and no internet to soak up their time. Imagine the world! I think I would be a very very happy person to live during the days when life was simpler…maybe a little bored at times, but a lot less stressed and my eyes would probably not be rapidly dying from the computer screen. Of course, their days were not always simple…the great depression, many wars, etc, but generally speaking I think life before technology took over would be ideal. Yes, I’m an old woman…you might think I’m 97 but really I’m almost 30.
I ADORE this photo. I’d love to recreate it with C-dawg some day.

Loving the short tie and the hat! I hope the short tie makes a comeback.
My gpa was a dapper/handsome man.

Author: Ali Carras
At a very young age I lost site of my mom in a local grocery store in Boulder, Colorado. I did, however, have the smarts to go to the customer service counter. The kind woman at the counter asked "What is your name little girl?" My reply: "Assi." The woman gave me a look like, "Are you playing with me you little devil?" but she proceeded to blast on the loudspeaker the "We have a lost Assi at the front of the store." Customers throughout the store gagged and giggled, but my mom knew exactly who the woman was referring to: the mullet haired little girl with a tongue too big for her mouth, wearing a leotard, skirt, tights, and jelly shoes (with florescent green laces in them...even though they didn't need the laces). A shy little character for whom every little detail in life was a huge thing. I am pleased to report that today I am able to fully pronounce Allison (aka Ali), but the Assi pseudonym has always stuck, evolving into Aszi. As for the shy little character for whom every little detail in life was a huge thing? Some things never change.
I have closed my comments due to mass amounts of spam that no filter could ever control. Feel free to contact me abeckord [at]!
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