European adventure part 1: Florence, Italy

Rarity of life #297593874: When Cooper blogs about a communal event before I do. Sooooooo, I guess I’ve been busy, but there is still no excuse for not blogging. I’ll try and post different photos from the Coop-dog…


Yahooo! No, not Yahoo as in the search engine, but yahoo as in whoo diddily plus a side of excitement on the side. I am hoping to dive into documenting the two week trip to Europe, but please note that a number of events will be left out (due to memory problems) and quite a bit will be uneventful (i.e. all I’ll talk about is what we ate). Nonetheless, my wallet is 29839287 times thinner and my thighs are 23979835 times wider (actually just looked at my thighs and yes, they are honestly larger).

Because Cooper is addicted to taking photos, the vast majority of images seen below are his. If he is seen in a photo I was lucky enough to take the camera out of his hands for a brief moment before withdrawal symptoms set in. For a better presentation of the trip, go to He did a much better job than I did.

Day 0: First arrival in Florence, late evening

Consumed mass amounts of amazing pizza and walked through a make shift German festival. Yup, a make shift German festival in Florence.

Day 1: Florence, Italy

The time change had a positive impact on us today because we were able to get up at 6am and conquer Florence without other tourists around (something we learned was a very welcome event). Unfortunately, my luggage was stuck in Rome so I had to wear the same outfit for nearly 72 hours, even after a bird left a surprise on my pants and hand. No worries though…we went on an expedition to take photos of the town and people and hiked up steep streets in search of a great vantage point for a shot of the city. Unfortunately, no vantage point was found, but we had an awesome walk and took some pretty good photos along the way.



A slight rain storm forced us to take shelter and eat lunch at a spot near the Duomo. Of course this means jacked up prices and low food quality. Allison enjoyed her piece of toast with tomato and basil on it for $9.00 US (!aye carumba!), but Cooper was the winner with four cheese gnocchi. Luckily the cheap table wine made us happy enough to enjoy the food no matter what. Following lunch Allison had to work in the afternoon (and pray for her luggage to arrive) while Cooper sought a laundromat. Yup, laundromat seeking just after Day 1. We went to a mediocre pasta/pizza spot and called it a night.

Day 2: Florence, Italy and to the Villa

Again we got up before the masses of tourists and American students studying abroad awoke so we had most of the city to ourselves (except for the commuters on their scooters). We did a brief stint in town before heading back for our free breakfast (oh my, how Allison LOVES her free breakfasts!!) and then Allison worked while Cooper went grocery shopping before we headed to the villa.


The villa was amazing. I’m sure Cooper will post tons of photos of the place once the editing process is complete. But, until then, let me just say it was a renovated spot from the 1400’s…it was beautiful…it was on top of a hill with a pool and an olive orchard…and it house nearly all of the 40+ guests. Awesome. While there we were treated to coffee, juice and pastries in our room in the morning, there was wine tasting in the afternoon…


And for the rehearsal dinner we sat near the largest chandelier I have ever seen…


Ate the best meat plate I’ve ever come across…


And of course had pizza…


I hate to admit this, but we never once had gelato while in Florence. For some reason the opportunity never arose at the right moment even though it was on our minds nearly every minute of the day. So sad.

The wedding was beautiful and sooooo emotional. It was extremely hard to take photos all day because my eyes were welling up. So it goes.

Next leg of the trip: OFF TO SWITZERLAND!!


I got up last night near midnight and doused Cooper with silly string while he was hanging with his bro. Why, you may ask? Today is Coopertron’s 28th birthday! Luckily we are still at an age where we don’t mind declaring how old we are, but unfortunately Cooper and I both are starting to show the signs of aging (crow’s feet, gray hair, soft bellys, aching muscles, slowing minds etc.).

If you have a moment and want to give this guy a shout out…give him a call, write him an e-mail, or send him a phony wedding photography inquiry (but make it obvious that it is a prank). All his info can be found at Even if you don’t know him, I’m sure he would appreciate the love.

Happy Birthday Cooper Hans!

whoa x1098375923875

Whoa. So much has happened in the past two weeks it hurts my head to begin thinking about it (not to mention the extreme jet lag setting in).

Top of the list: Welcome to the world Nora Esther Vidergar! Nora was born on May 31, 2008 at 10:44 am. She clocked in at 8 lbs 4oz and 20.5 inches. My sister calls her Nor’easter when her cries escalate to a shrill (as babies do).



I think nearly all of us thought the thing in the big belly would be a boy because it was so active and large. We were thinking he would be a big lazy lunk. Instead, out popped big girl Nora. But, I said to my sister (with a tear in my eye) that I am sooooooo glad Amelia gets to have a sister because my life would not have been the same without my sister. Plus, Nora gets to join our girl clan in the family (mom, sister, me, amelia, two female dogs and now Nora!).

Congrats, Steph and Cyril. I can’t wait to meet her.

croquet mania

A new favorite wedding idea: have a swanky lunch followed by a croquet match. This past weekend was eye candy for us: folks dressed in white, beautiful blue skies, green grass…it couldn’t have been any better (except for the massive farmer’s burn afterwards).



my big little bro is a big boy now


Congrats Bri Bri! You are the last of the crazy Bruce Beckord clan to make it through college. I am proud to say that the kid I used to share a bunk-bed with (who I would constantly tell not to put buggers on the wall) is now a true adult. Actually, folks thought you were an adult when you were 14, but now you can say you are truly an adult because you have to pay your own rent (ha!/aye!). I am so happy that I was able to be around for a good portion of the developmental stages of your life (remember the photo I took of your first few armpit hairs?)…I can’t wait to see what big boy Brian has in store. My 24 hours with you in San Diego were a blast…now go cut your hair!

superheros unite 2008

Last weekend was a whirlwind of events involving mass amounts of friends. Our 5 year SCU reunion was up to bat so we all got together for a little friendly time. The reunion was awkward as reunions go, but it was great seeing folks nonetheless. The morning after the awkward social event we relieved ourselves with a little bay to breakers action…

Superheros uniting at BART…




Then the race..






Whoa nelly, chaos and craziness. That is all I have to say.



I did it! I found me a pair of good ‘ol cowboy boots and I must say, they are darn comfy. These duders fit me like a glove…as though they were made for my feet. All broken in and stuff, I am IN LOVE! I know, people think cowboy boots are silly (especially folks in SF), but I am embracing this symbol of our American heritage like none other. I wear them to work, I wear them to bed, I wear them when I go for a run (ok, the last two not so much, but I would if I could).

If you were ever to own one pair of shoes in your life…consider cowboy boots. That is all I have to say.

this is what happen when my bro goes home

This is what happens when my bro goes home….

1.) He gets too distracted by the chaos of a toddler wanting to play, dogs wanting to play, a dad drilling into an ostrich egg, etc. that he has to set up his office in the garage. Funny thing though…neighbor kids were intrigued by a man with a card table in a garage working on a computer that they rode their bikes up to see the spectacle.


2.) The fumes from the garage did a number on my bro…he got a little high and played the accordion until the wee hours of the morning…


b to the o to the u to the l to the d to the e to the r

The first in a long series on my trip home to Boulder…Cooper and I went home for a super short time but we were able to pack a lotttttttttttttttttttt in!

Such as:

Tons ‘o trampoline time…


Pigging off…


Chuck E. Cheese!


Roller coasters for toddlers…


Skee ball…


Fatboy hammock lovin’…


Soy sauce…


and back to jump…


Goooooooooooooo NayNay!


Action packed? Yes. Could I keep up if I was my sister (pregnant with a 2.5 year old in toe)? Nooooooooo way. Don’t know how parents do it.

dogs and babies

Last weekend Cooper and I were dog sitters for my bro’s brown boy: Finney. Oh my, I need a dog. 1.) We (Finney and I) spooned for a solid 3 hours and it could have lasted longer but my phone went off. It was true spooning (he is about my height when on his hind legs)…he even had his head on my chest while in a deep deep dream. Oh my. Heaven. 2.) Dogs create for a greater social life when you don’t have one. Every spot we ventured to people would talk to us about the dog. In a city where people are closed off and don’t acknowledge one another…if you have a dog life is different. 3.) Dogs can be tourist attractions. Finney likes to carry Nathan’s shopping bags as “his job.” After Cooper bought a t-shirt Finney claimed ownership of the bag. When you are walking through Union Square or along the cable car route…let me tell ya…a dog carrying your shopping bag is a bonafide tourist attraction. Photos were taken care of us that day…if only I had taken a shower.


This coming weekend we are off to Colorado for 48+ of more dog time plus babypalooza Actually, Amelia is no longer a baby now that she is sleeping in my bed, but there is a big baby brewing in my sista’s belly and he/she is about to pop!

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