a trip to Jamaica and three main men…

We are back from Jamaica! Whoa. A great land, interesting people, fun times, but we are happy to be home. The wedding last weekend was by far the most culturally diverse wedding we have shot yet…the groom and his family are all Jamaican and the bride and her family are Dutch (a portion of whom are living in the states).  Never before would I have ever imagined listening to Dutch coming in one ear and Patois in the other. Nor would I have ever dreamed of eating a traditional jerk/Jamaican meal followed by Dutch apple pie. It was awesome! Not only that but people were so gracious and open…by the end of the night at the reception we felt like we were completely part of the family/party and people wanted take photos of and with us (a rare occasion unless people are drunk and don’t know who they are taking photos with).

My three main men from the trip:


Ray Charles

Coop-dawg. (Not sure what is going here except that I am showing a lot of gum and Cooper’s adam’s apple could have poked my eye out)

A beverage please…

Thirsty? I sure hope so.

Beverage news #1: The Bruery received health department approval so Pat and Rachel Rue can now brew beer! The following photo is a toast to their beer and all their hard work. Prost folks! I am so proud!

(side note: the beer in the photo is not a Pat Rue beer. Technically, the brown liquid in the glass is not worthy of a Bruery vessel, but we had to drink in honor of the big news).


Beverage news #2: My new addiction post Morocco trip 1 year ago…MINT TEA! There are a lot of good mint teas out there, but none of them do justice if you want the true Moroccan mint tea taste. The solution? Seep straight mint leaves in hot water, add a little sugar, and bask in the moment. I have been basking in the moment a lot lately. Aka, drinking mass amounts of mint tea.


Beverage news #3: As of tomorrow, actually 12:00am on Sunday, Cooper and I will be on our way to Jamaica for a wedding. Yeah, mon. What does that have to do with beverages, Assin? Well, indirectly it means rum, Red Stripe, and tropical drinks. We have not made any super tropical drinks lately, but we did make lemonade with mint in it so this will suffice for now.


krumkake woes

krumkake iron

Funny how when you are on a diet you tend to eat more than you normally might…and when you are on a no spending diet you spend $$ on any frivolous item you can find and try to justify it. My frivolous purchase of the weekend: a krumkake maker. What is krumkake you may ask? It is a beautiful Norwegian cookie that can be made flat or rolled and filled with whatever suites you (cream, fruit, ice cream, etc). My dad wanted to get my mom a krumkake maker like 15 years ago and ever since then I have always thought of the amazing little iron. Well, Cooper and I found this frivolous little thing at a thrift store for $10 and I was completely torn. Do I spend my hard earned $10 bucks on a waffle iron that I will probably use maybe once a year (if that) or do I save it for all the $2385928375928375928375928759283752398472 worth of traveling we have coming up? Well, after much deliberation I proudly walked out of the store without a purchase but then had to stop and call the parentals for a third/fourth opinion. Needless to say, they convinced me to buy it and now I am a krumkake owner. Goodness. I guess I won’t be eating while in Mexico, Italy, St. Thomas, New York, France, Chicago or Tahoe.

green pond water

Green pond water juice

I know drinking green pond water juice is nothing new, but for some reason I have recently become obsessed with it! I think the attraction stems from 1.) thinking I really am drinking pond water and 2.) the pond water tasting like a smoothie. If you are curious as to what pond water tastes like…go to your local trader joe’s and pick up a bottle. Pond water drinkers unite!

my last trip to CO=an infirmary

Last weekend I went home to Boulder to be with “the girls” for my mom’s b-day. My timing was a bit off because everyone in the house was sick as a dog or slowly recovering. So far I have not had any symptoms, but now that I say that I will probably come down with something within minutes of writing this. The saddest thing was seeing my little niece look like such a weak noodle. The moment we got there she barely had energy to smile, but with a little coaxing and some silly acting on my part she was laughing in no time. Amelia went from this:


To this:


And my mom was her usual:


Anti Valentine’s day…a bit late

Cooper’s Anti-Valentine’s day flowers for me…the day before v-day

Cooper and I are not Valentine’s day friendly, although we did have a heartfelt (actually heart clogging) V-day with a massive Zachary’s pizza. The flowers Coop-dog bought for me were not for Valentine’s day…they were “just cause” flowers which are so much better. Next year he plans to get the day after Valentine’s day leftover/sale flowers…atta boy!

Wednesday night we went to a pre-screening of In Bruges with Colin Farrell. It was actually really really good! (although, the screening was free and free things make everything better). If you are in the mood for a funny comedy and want to take your guy to something that involves guns but isn’t as serious as Rambo, this is a winner.

cooper and the cougar

Ahoy! I forgot to mention that Cooper was nearly attacked by a cougar this past weekend. Luckily he has some sort of ability to woo the animals and the big cat just cuddled and purrrrred instead. Oh, Cooper.


moldy peaches

Yeah, so it has been a little while since I have last written. Nearly every day I think of something I must jot down, but I have not had a second to write. Now is my chance!

A weekend or so ago Cooper and I went to Juno. It is a fabulous movie…a must see. My only frustration with the film is that Cooper and I have or had “a song” (I know, cheesy) and this special song was a major component to the movie. The song that was once not so mainstream is now all over the place…even the ladies at “The View” are exploiting it. So, our little secret song is a secret no more. I guess we will have to find something new.

In an effort to not to ruin Juno for anyone, I’ll play “our” Moldy Peaches song to “Eternal Sunshine for a Spotless Mind” movie instead.


This past weekend was road trip #1 in 2000 and 8. Cooper and I drove to Palm Springs for a wedding and stopped along the way at Pat and Rachel’s INCREDIBLE Bruery and Emily’s home for Cucas burritos. In a three day time span we went from temperate weather to the desert to snow in the mountains to a rain/dust/wind storm to 5 different rainbows to a downpour. We made it in one piece but unfortunately missed out on a bucket of KFC and the super bowl.

If you are ever thirsty for a beer…keep this collection in mind: The Bruery. They hope to start brewing soon so keep your eye on the shelves/bars. Honestly, this beer is some of the best juice I have ever tasted.

ice cream


I love this youtube video. One suggestion: play something a bit peppier in the background while you watch it. The music in the video just doesn’t work for me.

Speaking of music…for some reason I have been really into the acoustic version of Britney Spears’ “Toxic” song. My favorite is by the chapin sisters, but Yael Naim‘s rendition is just as good (she sings the “New Soul” song for the MacBook Air ad). I love it so much that I had to add it to my myspace page. I may have lost some points for enjoying Britney’s Toxic song, but I don’t mind. I will share my Toxic love with pride and confidence.

Cooper, on the other hand is obsessed with Yael Naim’s “New Soul.” He whistles it all the livelong day.

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