We are back from Jamaica! Whoa. A great land, interesting people, fun times, but we are happy to be home. The wedding last weekend was by far the most culturally diverse wedding we have shot yet…the groom and his family are all Jamaican and the bride and her family are Dutch (a portion of whom are living in the states). Never before would I have ever imagined listening to Dutch coming in one ear and Patois in the other. Nor would I have ever dreamed of eating a traditional jerk/Jamaican meal followed by Dutch apple pie. It was awesome! Not only that but people were so gracious and open…by the end of the night at the reception we felt like we were completely part of the family/party and people wanted take photos of and with us (a rare occasion unless people are drunk and don’t know who they are taking photos with).
My three main men from the trip:
Ray Charles
Coop-dawg. (Not sure what is going here except that I am showing a lot of gum and Cooper’s adam’s apple could have poked my eye out)