Cooper’s birthday celebration was a winner. Especially for our waistlines. We pretty much devoted the entire day to food and family which is really one of the best ways to bring on the start of a 30th year.
We started with an assortment of pastries from our favorite cafe in Olympia. I could sit and eat there for days. I seriously think I could. Thanks to this trip to the cafe, Cooper realized he has a massive love for bread pudding.

Then we went to a local strawberry field to pick up a crate of freshly picked strawberries. Doesn’t get any better especially now when the berries are in their prime.

Then it was lunchtime with the pops followed by food preparation for dinner. Ha! (Actually, I had to take a walk in between meals…luckily I did bring a lot of stretchy pants).
The menu for dinner was what I KNEW Cooper would pick: bbq. Duh! We made ribs…

Prepared the strawberries…

For cheesecake! Seen here cooling on their great old school fireplace…

Made creamed spinach, opened a can of beans, slaw…

Skillet cornbread with honey butter…

Of course Cooper got the first slice…

I do declare it was a feast and a mighty fine day to be turning 30.

Author: Ali Carras
At a very young age I lost site of my mom in a local grocery store in Boulder, Colorado. I did, however, have the smarts to go to the customer service counter. The kind woman at the counter asked "What is your name little girl?" My reply: "Assi." The woman gave me a look like, "Are you playing with me you little devil?" but she proceeded to blast on the loudspeaker the "We have a lost Assi at the front of the store." Customers throughout the store gagged and giggled, but my mom knew exactly who the woman was referring to: the mullet haired little girl with a tongue too big for her mouth, wearing a leotard, skirt, tights, and jelly shoes (with florescent green laces in them...even though they didn't need the laces). A shy little character for whom every little detail in life was a huge thing. I am pleased to report that today I am able to fully pronounce Allison (aka Ali), but the Assi pseudonym has always stuck, evolving into Aszi. As for the shy little character for whom every little detail in life was a huge thing? Some things never change.
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