Sooooo, I’ve been a little bloggish sloggish (kind of like sluggish but sloggish). It isn’t that I have not thought about blogging, but I just haven’t had the time. Actually, I have had time since I watched/wasted three hours of my life on Monday watching the Bachelor (gag me, I know)…but while watching I was doing something else on the computer, I just can’t remember what. The Bachelor causes memory loss! Ha!
Since I wrote last I have: been to work, worked for Cooper at night going through 29385729387592837592837592375 photos, gone to Napa for Justin/Lucille’s wedding, driven to Lake Tahoe with Charliemann and Cooper for Mike and Jill’s wedding, been to Colorado and back, and watched The Bachelor. I have so much to share…like Jim-isms, panning for actual gold, teaching a 2.5 year old how to do a rain dance only to have it pour rain after we finished dancing, etc., I just need a day to write. But, guess what! This weekend we don’t have a wedding! It is the only free weekend until September so I am going to clean my closet, help Cooper get caught up, design some albums, maybe go to a craft fair, make an Emily’s pizza and cinnamon rolls, and BLOG (i hope). I can’t wait.
In the meantime…drink a cold beer!

Author: Ali Carras
At a very young age I lost site of my mom in a local grocery store in Boulder, Colorado. I did, however, have the smarts to go to the customer service counter. The kind woman at the counter asked "What is your name little girl?" My reply: "Assi." The woman gave me a look like, "Are you playing with me you little devil?" but she proceeded to blast on the loudspeaker the "We have a lost Assi at the front of the store." Customers throughout the store gagged and giggled, but my mom knew exactly who the woman was referring to: the mullet haired little girl with a tongue too big for her mouth, wearing a leotard, skirt, tights, and jelly shoes (with florescent green laces in them...even though they didn't need the laces). A shy little character for whom every little detail in life was a huge thing. I am pleased to report that today I am able to fully pronounce Allison (aka Ali), but the Assi pseudonym has always stuck, evolving into Aszi. As for the shy little character for whom every little detail in life was a huge thing? Some things never change.
I have closed my comments due to mass amounts of spam that no filter could ever control. Feel free to contact me abeckord [at]!
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