
day at the beach

The day after the “unshower” we went to the beach and got ourselves beach bummed:



I’ll soon stop posting images with kids/babies/dogs…or will I? ha ha ha ha ha (menacing laugh once again…comes out a lot these days)

unshower baby shower

For my brother and his wife the C-man and I put together a surprise “unshower” baby shower bbq of sorts. There were no games, no “ohh-ing” and “ahh-ing,” just a good old bbq with food, drink and old-skool blue grass music. Isn’t this exactly what any celebration should be like? Me thinks yes. So that is what we did. And it was joyful. Some polaroids to prove it happened.


An Ode to Gma and Gpa B

From my gma’s funeral I learned (or at least imagined) a lot about what my gma and gpa were like in their younger years. I saw many a picture showing their super fun spirits in simpler times, living on a farm, going on picnics…just being. No social networking sites to update, no blogs, no cell phones to distract them…really no computers and no internet to soak up their time. Imagine the world! I think I would be a very very happy person to live during the days when life was simpler…maybe a little bored at times, but a lot less stressed and my eyes would probably not be rapidly dying from the computer screen. Of course, their days were not always simple…the great depression, many wars, etc, but generally speaking I think life before technology took over would be ideal. Yes, I’m an old woman…you might think I’m 97 but really I’m almost 30.

I ADORE this photo. I’d love to recreate it with C-dawg some day.


Loving the short tie and the hat! I hope the short tie makes a comeback.
My gpa was a dapper/handsome man.


this is what goes on in my head

So recently I’ve been thinking a lot about the movie “The Neverending Story.” I think about Falcor and flying through the fog whenever it takes over the bay area. I also think about Falcor as I’m in an airplane coasting over the mountains (and I sing the theme song to myself in my head). With all of this thought about such a masterpiece of a film I’ve come up with a great new business: an airline branded “Falcor.” The interior of the planes would be all 80’s and only people dressed like the guy who sings The Neverending Story’s theme song would be allowed on the flight:

P.S. If for some reason you decide to steal my business idea and make it a reality I don’t expect much in return except some bit of acknowledgement (and maybe free flights for the rest of my life).

thank you to my gma

My “grandma b” passed away on Tuesday. Lucky for her she lived to the grand age of 91. Death is such a weird and difficult thing to understand…I think because I’ve been away from CO during all of this it hasn’t really sunk in yet but I’m flying home tomorrow for the funeral.

Thank you to my gma b for the creamed corn, memories at the cabin, teaching me to knit and of course lots of love and special attention. Sad to see her go but I know she was ready.


my arch nemesis

My arch nemesis:

When we first started dating I thought, “Snap, maybe this guy will be one of those who expects his woman to make him meals every night…I’m not so good at that!” Lucky for me the roles were actually very opposite. The man loves to cook and he is AMAZING at it. He comes up with the most incredible things with or without a recipe. So, through some odd bit of routine we’ve developed a system where he does most of the cooking and I get to to clean up. The only issues are 1.) He tends to like to use a lot of dishes while crafting his masterpieces (which I’m not complaining about one bit, just pointing out the facts). 2.) We don’t have a dishwasher. 3.) I can’t keep up…especially since doing dishes is last on my “list-o-fun.” One of my life goals is to become one of those super clean, domestic gals who has a clean kitchen all the time, but man alive is it hard to do…and we don’t even have kids yet! I will have to say I’ve been able to tackle the piles for a few nights in a row. I think a self high five is in order.

family portait

We took a “family portrait” so the C-man could send a photo of the three of us to his Granny for her 80th birthday. It was a bit spur of the moment photo shoot (i.e. I didn’t have time to shower and it had been awhile…which in my world can mean a few days) and we look a little bit cheesy but it will do for now. Granny has some of our other portraits (i.e. holiday cards) but we figured she probably had a hard time figuring out what was going on so we’d offer up a little something “normal.” Don’t we look awfully normal? (with an emphasis on the awful, ha!). A little too normal for my blood.


flossing with my eyes closed while in the tub

The other night I fell asleep around 9:30pm while watching Shutter Island with the boy and dog (I had already seen the ending so I knew what was going to happen). I fell asleep haaaaarrrrrrrrrrd. I was sleeping so I hard I dreamt that I was asleep on the couch watching Shutter Island and I kept trying to say something to Cooper over and over and over and he just couldn’t hear me. One of those late night naps where you really should have just gone to bed and when you wake up to actually get in bed it is one of the most painful things to muster the energy to do. Especially since you still have to wash your face and brush your teeth and floss. So, I sat in the tub with my eyes closed and flossed. And C-man took a picture.


Oslo, the howler monkey

We recently discovered that our dog likes to sing. We can get him going via a number of methods but here he is harmonizing with the C-man. I was even able to get him to sing to me over ichat while I was home on Colorado.

Oslo’s vocals melt my heart.

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