“I am not a paper cup”
I love this mug. Although I have to acknowledge that I occasionally buy a cup of something warm in a paper mug, I try as hard as I possibly can to make my own coffee every morning. I personally don’t know how people can justify buying $3 lattes everyday, let alone think it is ok to collect paper cups in their trash cans. But, I suppose I am just a little frugal and perhaps a bit more eco-minded. Case in point: last night Cooper wanted to take me out to dinner, but a little voice inside me said…”Assin, you guys have 12+ trips coming up which will require $$$…don’t go buy a $4 beer when you have 3 cases of great beer at home. You also have food in your refridgerator that needs to be eaten.” Needless to say, I caved and we went out for beers and curly fries (oh my, I am now addicted to curly fries!).
Anyhow, I love this mug. It isn’t in stores yet…looks like some time in February. (found at DCI…Decor Craft Inc.).
I had a thought the other day…
I see that Kate Hudson is in a new movie with Matthew McConaughey called Fool’s Gold. I don’t know too much about the movie, but I do know that it involves a big boat. Hmmm. When I saw the preview I had flashbacks to Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell in Overboard. I then realized that this new movie is not a remake, but a treasure hunting something something. Wouldn’t Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey make the perfect duo for a recreation of the original Overboard? Gosh. Perhaps I should get into screenwriting or something.