Halloween has come and gone. Five things of note:
1.) Happening upon an unexpected dog Halloween party while walking with your dog on Halloween night is delightful. Our dog wasn’t dressed for the party but he looks quite like a black sheep so that counts, right?
2.) Living in a building full of lofts where people like to open their doors and throw multiple Halloween parties all at once is also quite delightful. Kind of like a college dorm but with 30+ year olds. I don’t think I found any pee in the hall so I guess maybe not quite college dorm but close.
3.) I’ve come to the point in my life where Facebook on Halloween is now comprised of kids/babies in costumes rather than big adult peoples in costumes. Congrats to all the mamas and papas out there…you guys have a lot of really cute kids.
4.) Also, related to #3 why hadn’t anyone thought to create the warm/cozy sweat suit-ish costumes in the 80’s to keep us kids warm way back when? I recall lots of hard plastic and thin fabrics and the first night of snow happening on Halloween night.
5.) C-tron and I declared that every Halloween we would like to institute a tradition of caramel apple eating. Caramel apple eating is good for the soul (as long as we don’t have dentures).

Homemade salted caramel sauce, a couple of apples, paired with The Bruery Autumn Maple beer, a glass of milk (to be consumed with the apple not with the beer) and the movie Halloween = even more delightful feelings.

Three cheers to Jamie Lee Curtis! (we really did cheers to her and yes I really did take a photo of our TV while watching the movie. I had the camera right there so I thought “Why not?!”).